Thursday, March 29, 2012

Interview Skills Workshop on May17th

Interviewing Skills
Presented by:
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Date: May 17, 2012

Time: 10:45am—11:45

Please consider attending an
Interview Skills Presentation by Staffing Managers with Randstad from Bowling Green, Kentucky. 

Learn some great tips from
Employment Experts!

Laurie Belcher

RSVP by May 7, 2012


Response Requested...

Why should I hire you?

Funny Interview Responses

It is amazing what people will say.  I hope you enjoy the article, but more importantly, I hope you will not make these mistakes.

Facebook CAN Affect Your Job Search

Here is some really good advice!

How Facebook Can Impact an Interview

This is funny, but sadly it is true...

Dr. Phil's Advice for Resume Mistakes

Check this out too.

1) Writing the wrong content
2) Distracting formats
3) Using a 'one size fits all' approach
4) Having a resume that is too long
5) Not showing performance
6) Errors in objectives, dates, titles & other basics

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Online Resume Tips

Please watch this to learn more about online resumes

Job Search - What are you doing for yourself?

Have you looked at the job boards lately? - yes there are job postings there too!

Start looking for opportunities NOW!  Let me know if you need help with applying.

What NOT to say on an Interview

This is a great clip to show you what NOT, and I do mean NOT to say on an interview!

Stress Relief Tips

Good advice

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Effective Time Management

This is a great website to learn more about time management!

Advice for Time Management

Workplace Do's and Don'ts

Do realize the impact your personality has on overall workplace performance.
Do believe that you are a talented, capable human being.  Project self-confidence.
Do let go of past baggage.

Don't assume that everyone thinks and behaves like you.
Don't become obsessed with how others view you.  Be and do your best.
Don't keep telling everyone about a past negative experience.

Monday, March 26, 2012

5 Secrets to a Job Hunt Success

Please watch this video clip

How to Use Your Resume

Please watch this video clip

Three Simple Steps for Resume Writing

Please watch this video

Show What Makes You Great

Please watch video clip

How to Write a GREAT Resume

Please watch this video clip

How to handle References

Please watch this video clip

Top Resume Do's

Please watch this video clip

Resume Don'ts

Please watch this video

Tips for Writing a Great Resume

Please watch this resume clip!


Welcome to BUS142 Internship and Professional Seminar.  Please use this blog to post questions, suggestions, etc.  This is a great tool to help you learn more about resumes, interviewing, etc.